Our discovery and physical characterization of the most distant galaxy candidates at z ~13 named HD1 and HD2 are described in these papers:
- Pacucci et al. (2022): Are the newly-discovered z~13 drop-out sources starburst galaxies or quasars?
- Harikane et al. (2022): A Search for H-Dropout Lyman Break Galaxies at z ~ 12-16
This discovery has generated a huge amount of press coverage, with several press releases from different institutions around the world, including the Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian. The news was made public on April 7, 2022.
According to an analysis performed by the press office of the Center for Astrophysics, as of April 13, 2022, the news reached ~1.5 billion readers worldwide. It appeared in dozens of countries and was translated into multiple languages, including Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Chinese, Dutch, Hindi, Spanish, German and Polish.
The following list contains some of the most noteworthy press releases and articles that were written for the occasion, along with the estimated number of viewers provided by the CfA press office.
- CfA press release
- New York Times (This story reached 212M readers)
- Reuters (This story reached 58.6M readers)
- MSN (This story reached 212M readers)
- The Hill (This story reached 25M readers)
- Harvard Gazette (This story reached 3.2M readers)
- Astronomy.com (This story reached 5M readers)
- Boston Globe (This story reached 4.27M readers)
- The Independent (This story reached 56M readers)
- New Scientist (This story reached 3.53M readers)
- Yahoo (This story reached 68M readers)
- Daily Mail (This story reached 95M readers)
- The Daily Beast (This story reached 19.4M readers)
- Sky & Telescope (This story reached 4.1M readers)
- Interesting Engineering (This story reached 3M readers)

I have also talked about the importance of seeking the most distant galaxy candidates in my op-ed in Scientific American. See also the Outreach page on this website.