Our model describes the main growth channel (accretion vs mergers) for a black hole as a function of mass and redshift. The scientific paper can be found following this link. See also my Black Hole Calculator on this website.

This study has generated a large amount of press coverage, following a press release from the Center for Astrophysics (credits: Amy Oliver) and a press conference at the 236th meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS).
The following list contains some of the most important press releases and articles written for the occasion. Below you can watch the recording of the press conference at the AAS 236th meeting.
- Center for Astrophysics press release
- Sky & Telescope article
- Phys.org article
- Universe Today article
- IFLScience magazine article
- Cosmos Magazine article
- Repubblica (main Italian newspaper) article (in Italian)
- INAF (Italian National Institute of Astrophysics) article (in Italian)
- Futura Sciences article (in French)
- CNN Indonesia article (in Indonesian)
- Notimérica (Spanish newspaper) article (in Spanish)
- Los Andes (Argentinian newspaper) article (in Spanish)