Our discovery of the first strongly lensed quasar at z > 6, also known as “the brightest quasar in the Universe”, is described in this paper (Fan et al. 2019). The theoretical consequences of its existence, and the possibility of an undetected population of “phantom quasars”, is described in this paper (Pacucci & Loeb 2019).
This discovery has generated a huge amount of press coverage, following press releases from the STScI, the Keck Observatory, the Gemini Telescope, the Hubble Space Telescope and ESA.
The following list contains some of the most important press releases and articles written for the occasion.
- Yale press release
- Keck Observatory press release
- Hubble Space Telescope press release
- ESA press release
- USAtoday article
- Space.com article
- Astronomy.com article
- Discover magazine article
- Science Daily article
- Sky & Telescope article
- Cosmos Magazine article
- WSHU Public Radio podcast
- Futurism magazine article
- Sci-News article
- ScienMag article
- EarthSky article
- Repubblica (major Italian newspaper) article (in Italian)
- Messaggero (major Italian newspaper) interview
- ANSA press release (in Italian)
- Le Scienze (Italian version of Scientific American) article (in Italian)
- Focus article (in German)
- L’Express article (in French)
- VN Express article (in Vietnamese)
The following animations and images have been produced by ESA and the STScI to better visualize the discovery.
Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA, M. Kornmesser
Credit: Hubble/L. Calçada

About the updated Pacucci & Loeb 2019b paper:
- IFLScience page article
Try to simulate the observational properties of this extraordinary quasar with my Black Hole Calculator!